Lets work together in getting your company into the future

Web hosting
In Tegarte we can guarantee you hosting to your website or your services without complications we have simple plans with several unlimited features. Because we believe in freedom, we will help you setting up your service no matter what plan you pick.
We provide support 24/7 in all of the plans. All of the plans are upgradable according to your needs.
Check our plans below and feel free to contact us in case you don't find what you need, we can create you a custom plan.
1GB Hosting
14€ /year
- 1GB of storage
- Unlimited Number Of Domains
- Unlimited Number Of Subdomains
- Unlimited Traffic (in MB/month)
- Unlimited Number Of Mail Accounts
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
5GB Hosting + Domain
35€ /year
- 5GB of storage + a free Domain
- Unlimited Number Of Domains
- Unlimited Number Of Subdomains
- Unlimited Traffic (in MB/month)
- Unlimited Number Of Mail Accounts
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- +
- 1 free .com .net .org or .pt domain
Custom Plan
Need more?
- If you don't find what you need feel free to contact us about and telling about your needs.